Summitsoft Multimedia PC Software Bundle - LogoDesign Shop, Present it!, 1500 Fonts, & SaveMyFiles for $14.99 at TripleClicks

This Summitsoft Multimedia & Backup/Restore PC Software Bundle is the ideal companion for computer users at home, school or office! It Includes LogoDesign Shop, Present it!, 1500 Fonts, and SaveMyFiles CDs!
With 1500 Fonts you can make your projects look sharp. It features 1500 high quality TrueType® fonts that are perfect for business cards, scrapbooks, newsletters, invitations, greeting cards, presentations and other creative projects. It features Font Installer which lets you quickly preview and install fonts while protecting system fonts from accidental deletion. Use LogoDesign Shop to create a professional logo in minutes. It includes Over 50 industry based logo templates to make your own and over 100 professionally designed objects & artwork. Its easy interface makes it a breeze to add and modify your objects or text. Plus, it also includes slogans, taglines, full layer control and much more.
With PresentIt! you can expand the boundaries of Microsoft PowerPoint. It includes 50+ Designer Backgrounds that give new life to presentations, 100+ Textured Backgrounds, 5 Progressive Backgrounds, 30+ Power Slide templates, 15 specially designed Template Sets that include title, text and print slide variations and lets you draw attention to key points using any of the 150 included Flash Banners.
Give yourself some piece of mind with this SaveMyFiles backup and restore software! This Summitsoft SaveMyFiles software provides an easy way to save and protect your sensitive files and data. SaveMyFiles allows for easy backup to any recordable CD/DVD, local or alternative hard drive, network location or FTP site using standard ZIP file compression methods to maximize your storage space.
Make your projects look sharp, give new life to your presentations, and protect your files with this Summitsoft Multimedia Backup/Restore PC Software Bundle...get yours today!
3-in-1 Bonus Pack System Requirements:
* Windows 2000/XP/Vista
* PowerPoint 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007
* 300 MB hard drive space
* 256 MB RAM
* 233 MHz processor
* CD-ROM drive
* SVGA monitor
* 10 MB for Font Installer
SaveMyFiles System Requirements:
* Windows 2000/XP/Vista
* 233 MHz CPU or faster
* 256 MB RAM
* 10 MB free hard drive space
* CD-ROM drive


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How To Outsource To Grow Your Business

TC | How To Outsource To Grow Your Business
Do you find it progressively harder in your business to do everything yourself? Do you find that you don't have any time for your friends or family? Does the thought of meeting deadlines stress you out?

Then I Have News for You!

Doing everything yourself in your own business is a thing of the past. Gone are the days when you have to turn work away because you just 'don't know how to do it' or you 'don't have time'...

You CAN get everything done that your business commands AND take all of the credit WITHOUT having to do it yourself!

So, you're probably asking how?

The answer is -

Outsource It!

Yep, you just outsource all of the work you can't do yourself or don't have time to do yourself.

Outsourcing wasn’t in vogue until a few years back. In fact, people even thought it quite embarrassing to tell someone that they were outsourcing their work. The general impression was that they weren’t up to the task and the unspoken belief was that outsourced work would always be of an inferior quality...

But Times Have Changed!

Today, not only has outsourcing become very popular but it has also practically become the norm for businesses. How could a single person working from home carry out all tasks related to a business without depending on a freelancing professional whom they can outsource their work to?

But the question is:

HOW do you outsource? WHERE do you go? WHAT kind of jobs can be outsourced?

Introducing: How To Outsource To Grow Your Business - Audio MP3 Included!

If you really want to get things done, you must leverage on a team of people. This audio ebook will teach you how to find all the best people to build your business, and your profits, for you!

Here's What You'll Learn Inside this Audio eBook:

* Why you should outsource;

* How to find professionals to outsource your work to and selecting the right person;

* How much should you pay?

* Getting your job done;

* Important steps in online business evolution;

And much, much more! GET NOW !!!
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Turbo Affiliate Link

TC | Turbo Affiliate Link

Turbo Affiliate Link will get your visitors doing business with you instead of your merchant. Did you know that 97% of affiliates are not building their own businesses; they are just performance based advertisers building their merchants long-term business. This is exactly why they are failing.

Will this really help ME increase MY commission checks and build MY own list? Check out the 4 tools that will turbo charge your affiliate links, and instantly increase your commissions!

1. You can add an un-blockable popup to any affiliate link. Virtually every major marketer online uses them now... and the popup blockers can't stop them.

2. You can add audio to any affiliate link. You know Armand Morin and all the other big name marketing guys use audio on their sites to help them increases conversion rates. Why do they use audio... because it works.

3. You can add proactive live chat to any affiliate link. By showing there is a human behind your business, people will trust your site and your advice a lot more. This extra trust leads to extra sales.

4. You can add a completely un-blockable exit screen to your affiliate links. My programmer figured out a way to add a totaly unblockable exit screen to any affiliate link. Every visitor you send to your new turbo charged affiliate link, WILL SEE this second page, which can be any page you want it to be.

Now that you realize this, you are ahead of 70% of affiliates, but just knowing that isn't really going to help you make more money as an affiliate. Acting on that knowledge and finding ways to overcome that problem will make you

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The Encyclopedia Of Personal Development (46 Exclusive eBooks)

TC | *The Encyclopedia Of Personal Development (46 Exclusive eBooks)

This is a star-studded collection of personal development courses with each course having about 5 books per series!
Learn to live a well balanced and optimal life as these exclusive courses cover most of the hottest topics in the niche such as:

- Financial IQ and Management
- Self discovery
- Positive thinking
- Goal setting & getting results
- Habits & subconsciousness
- Spirituality, zen & enlightenment
- Home business opportunities and mindsets
- Network marketing mindsets and stories
- Health & Wellness
- Relationships & Social domination

Truly a class of it's own, EVERYTHING in personal development is covered from head to toe - anything from long term to short term development has a topic!

Each book in the series is at least 40 pages long and 6,000 words per book all written in such a way to complement and synergize with others in the series and all the series as a whole.

Here are what your 46 books will cover:

The Self Discovery Series * HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! RED HOT! *

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
- Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

The self discovery series is the epitome of personal development learning. These 6 books are a complete self discovery gold mine of finding your origin - to know who you truly are and how you can know others.

These books contains powerful transformational lessons on understanding your state of consciousness, balancing yourself spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally, they way we communicate, how enneagrams help us to discover how we function, how love, truth and power affects us and what kind of energy (polatiry) we use in life whether we are a lightworker or a darkworker.

The Goal Setting & Getting Results Series

"All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do."
- Norman Vincent Peale

The day that you discover that you have a dream that you deeply and truly desire is the day you lay out the plans necessary to accomplish it.
Goal setting is a must, but also equally important is the right kind of goals you must set in order to achieve it. This powerful series contains 5 books that will talk about organization, goal planning, accomplishing more with your time, how to get 'high' on rewards and rewarding yourself and how to manage your time properly.

Financial Freedom Series

"There is a secret psychology of money. Most people don't know about it. That's why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem; it is merely a symptom of what's going on inside of you."
- T. Harv Eker

Make no mistake about this - money is not the most important thing in the world... but it is by far the most important thing in areas where money matters the most.
Learning the art of financial success is far to important even if you don't believe money is important. You must pursue it dilligently, even if only to make sure that money never stands in your way as an obstacle to your dreams and goals.
In these books, you will learn everything you need to know about intelligent investing, debt reduction, how to condition your mind to think rich, how to rewire your subconscious mind for success and wise quotes from rich men.

Home Business, Marketing And Opportunities Series

"I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity."
- Oprah Winfrey

How many times have you seen or heard of a good opportunity... only to let it slip through your fingers and go, "If only I had... etc. etc."
Face it. Jumping into opportunities helps us to learn and grow. But picking the right opportunities will get us there even faster! These series contains 5 books on finding the best business opportunities, how to monetize Forex and currency trading, branding yourself as a guru in this opportunity filled land, finding opportunities in home businesses and monetizing the web as an entrepreneur!

Habits And Subconscious Series

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."
- Jim Rohn

You have your dreams, you have set your goals, but it is winning the day to day battles that will help you win the war in the long run.
Without proper habits imbued into your subconscious mind, a creature of habit will always return back to it's old ways! It is time to reconsruct your habits by discarding bad ones and replacing them with good ones.
Learn in this powerful series of 5 how you can manage your anger better, how to beat procrastination, how to break your addictions, blast through all your subconscious fears in you and develop the discipline to reach your goals!

Health And Wellness Series

"The Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Spirit..."
- The Bible

You can have all the money in the world, but if you do not have great health to enjoy it with, it will be all for nothing.
That is why Steve Pavlina, author of the most popular personal development blog in the world believes that by getting your body in shape, it will give you better energy, greater clarity, feel good about yourself and even a more spiritual person!
Here are 5 books that will change your health forever - books about powerful berries, body building for busy people, dieting and nutritional health, ways to eliminate stress and to top it off, ways to achieve better sleep!

The Network Marketing Series

"If you are a person with big dreams and would love to support others in achieving their big dreams, then the network marketing business is definitely a business for you. You can start your business part-time at first and then as your business grows, you can help other people start their part-time business. This is a value worth having - a business and people who help others make their dreams come true."
- Robert T. Kiyosaki

The network marketing industry is one of the biggest sales industries on the planet bringing in millions of dollars of revenue from all over the world!
The Internet has changed the way network marketing operates and it is very impotant to adapt to the times in order to become a smart networker!
This network marketing series of 5 contains powerful books that will turn you into a network marketing superstar! It covers topics on anticipating the next wave, how to sponsor others into your network, surviving your first year in network marketing, learning from the greatest networkers in the world and how to 'go Diamond'!

Positive Thinking Series

"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."
- Zig Ziglar

There's enough negativity going on in the world. It is also very easy to become infected by the negativity and it is the no.1 dream killer in the world!
It is time to tip the odds in your favor. Positive thinking is one of the biggest markets in personal development and with a series of 5 books, you will learn how to use affirmations powerfully, manifest positive thoughts easily, practice power attraction, use the Law of Attraction correctly and eliminate worry from your vocabulary!

Relationships And Social Series

"Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being."
- Mohandas Gandhi

Man is not an island. If you do not learn to get along with others, you will not be happy in this lifetime. It is time to learn to make life easier by learning about relationships and helping one another to get to each other's goals together.
In this powerful relationship and social series, you will learn all about dealing with the most difficult people, the art of making others fall in love with you, fundamental differences between men and women, studying body language and gaining the courage to say whatever you want to say!

Spirituality And Enlightenment Series

"We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a physical experience."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

According to Stephen covey, we are all beings of 4 quadrants - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The fastest way to accomplish all your goals is to get your spirit in the right order. No longer a topic for religious people, it is time to tap into your inner being and live a spiritually fulfilling life.
This series talk about finding God (applies to any religion or faith), finding true spirituality, writing your 'bucket list', spiritual healing and fulfilling your destiny!

get here !

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Desktop Adsense Cash Machine (Software)

Desktop Adsense Cash Machine (Software)

Who Else Want's To Add One More Incredible Automated Tool To Their Google Adsense Content Site Builder Arsenal?

This Cutting Edge Desktop Robot Automatically Finds Articles, Builds Content Rich Adsense Sites With Them, And Even Uploads The Completed Sites To Your Server!

Are you ready to start building your Adsense empire quickly and easily?

Until now, it's required hundreds of hours of technical work and complicated systems to make any money...

The New Adsense Cash Machine Is Literally So Simple A Child Can Run it... Maybe It's Time To Put The Kids To Work! Heh...

Your New Adsense Cash Machine Desktop Robot Will Replace A Dozen Software Programs, 5 Web Designers And A Full Time Content Collection Specialist...

Desktop Adsense Cash Machine takes out all of the tedious work involved in creating Adsense sites. And it REALLY does all of the tasks.

Every other software out there that assists you with building Adsense sites only does part of the task.

There is no program that does everything that the Desktop Adsense Cash Machine does!

Until now, you've needed a whole handful of software programs to build websites.

You need an article collection software

You need a website builder that puts your articles into your template and builds effective websites

You need and ftp program to upload it all to your server

No more, this program does all of that and much, much more!

Here's just some of what Desktop Adsense Cash Machine Will Do For You

* Simple & Sleek To Use- This isn't some complicated software that takes weeks or months to learn. You'll be building your first site just minutes after opening it!

* You Pick A Subject And You Get Articles- Desktop Adsense Cash Machine will go out and hunt down articles on the subject you choose automatically!

* Super Fast Site Builder- After you have all the articles you need, the super fast site builder portion of the program will put together a smoking hot website for you in just seconds. Even if it's thousands of pages!

* Auto FTP Sleuth-After Desktop Adsense Cash Machine finds your articles and creates a website, it will log into your web server and upload it for you! This puppy covers all the tasks.

* Full Control Of Your Sites- You simply load up a template into the software and it will create all of your pages using your template so you have full creative and developmental control over your sites. Or you can just grab a free template and use that if you want a quick site!

* Turbo Speed Functionality- This Desktop Robot works at lightning speed. You want to spend as little time as possible creating your Adsense sites and the Desktop Adsense Cash Machine does exactly that for you.

* Stable, Top Secret Performance - Not only do the other Adsense software's out there not include all of the tools you need, but they also require you install them on your site which can be complicated and allow other people to know what you're using for your sites!

Desktop Adsense Cash Machine runs transparently on your desktop with no chance of anyone knowing what you're creating these quality sites with. You also don't have to worry about any complicated script installations!

You can have an Adsense site up and running tonight quickly with Desktop Adsense Cash Machine!

Desktop Adsense Cash Machine Is The Only All-In-One Solution For Creating Adsense Websites Available Anywhere At Any Price!
GET NOW $12.00!
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CB Text Ads Generator Version 2.0!

TC | CB Text Ads Generator Version 2.0!
CB Text Ads Generator Version 2.0!

Skyrocket Your Clickbank Affiliate Commissions By Auto-Converting Contextually Relevant Keywords on Your Web Pages to Unobtrusive Profit-Generating Clickbank Affiliate Links!

CB Text Ads Generator Features & Benefits!

Auto-convert contextually-relevant keywords in HTM, HTML, PHP, and ASP pages to Clickbank affiliate links with your Clickbank ID.

On mouse-over, the relevant Clickbank product title and description would be displayed.

Add your Clickbank affiliate links to a single document/page or an entire folder (and sub-folders) easily.

Click here to download now!

Add/delete/edit Clickbank product keywords. CB Text Ads Generator comes with a pre-defined set of keywords list. You can add/delete/edit keywords for any product. Note: keywords are comma separated.

Add your own set of custom keywords to any Clickbank product. When these keywords match keywords on any web page, they are auto-converted to Clickbank affiliate links!

Edit the color of keywords (link color) to match the look and feel of your website and web pages.

Edit the color of window that is displayed on mouse-over. You can also edit the colors of this window's content.

Online Update of new and existing Clickbank product keywords in titles and descriptions.

And more!

Note: System requirements are listed at the end of this page.

Interesting technical features related to the parsing of files/documents/pages:
Web pages/files are parsed in two ways.

(1) Exact Parse (default search):
CB Text Ads Generator finds the exact keyword match of Clickbank product titles and descriptions within a document.
In case of identical match, then on mouse over, the visitor gets a window with Clickbank product title and description.

(2) Sound Ex Parse (Intelligent search):
CB Text Ads Generator finds keywords in a document/file that "sound" like Clickbank Products keywords.
In such a case, on mouse over, the visitor gets a window with Clickbank product title and description.

GET HERE $17.00 !
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Instant Content Creator (User Guide + Software)

Instant Content Creator (User Guide + Software)
Attention: Article Writing Has Never Been This Quick and Easy...
"Discover How You Can Effortlessly Kick-Out Killer Articles That Make You Rich In Less Than 20 Minutes With Proven Step-By-Step Software To Show You How!"
Dramatically Increase Your Sales By Creating Better Articles Customers Flock To Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

Here's The Full Range of Benefits You Get:

Quickly and easily increase the amount of high-quality articles you produce for a surge in traffic! Articles are going to be far more profitable for you as new customers flock to you in droves!

Increase your visibility and traffic by giving search engines more of the quality content they're looking for. You're likely to get far more prized search engine positions with all of the new articles you produce!

Gain countless backlinks by supplying and distributing articles that other webmasters and ezine owners publish. Your websites are going to soar in the search rankings!

Pop-out killer articles that result in more sales at lightning fast speed! No more stressing over what to write or worrying you're off on the wrong track because you're shown step-by-step of what to do!

Get walked step-by-step through brainstorming article topics, a title, the body of the article, the author's byline, an optional product link, keywords, and web page meta description! By the time your finish, your article is ready-to-go on the web!

Export your articles into to text or HTML format and use the built-in FTP feature to easily upload your articles to your website! This is another huge time saving feature to make writing your articles quick and easy!

Store multiple articles inside so that you can go back and edit any time you want! This is vital to keep organized when you're putting out a lot of articles!

Plus, much more!

Include The Software User Guide...


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Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook WIFI Windows 2GB HD for $130.00 at TripleClicks

NEW 7" Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook WIFI Windows 2GB HD for $130.00 at TripleClicks
Harga 130.00
Condition: Like New
Location: Indonesia
* Processor Type: VIA ARM 32bit CPU
* Processor Clock Speed :300M Hz
* Processor/Manufacturer :VIA
* Processor Model :VIA-ARM VT8500
* RAM/Technology: DRAM
* RAM Installed Size :128M
* Display Diagonal Size :7" TFT HD
* Max Resolution :800x480
* Display Technology :TFT
* Graphics Type :Integrated Graphics
* Product Type :Notebook
* Model :901
* Operating System :WinCE
* Pointing Device :TrackPad
* Battery Type :1800mAH smart lithium-ion batteries
* Power Device Type :AC, DC can DC can car charger
* Color :Black , white, silver&black
* Dimensions /W*D*H :212mmx142mmx28mm
* Net Weight :0.65kg
Dapatkan sekarang juga

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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

TC | Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill
This is one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. Written during the Great Depression, against a backdrop of millions of people out of work and a looming world war, Napoleon Hill's magnum opus held out hope that life could get better. While not considered part of the New Thought movement, Hill drew on many of their concepts and techniques. He prefigured the 'Prosperity Consciousness' of present-day New Age thinkers. And a host of motivational writers and speakers have followed in his footsteps.
A good part of Hill's book is simply the gospel of 20th century American Capitalism: work hard, have a firm handshake, get ahead by doing quality work, treat your customers with respect, anybody can become rich and/or powerful if they overcome their personal weaknesses. Some may find the core 'secret' of this book elusive; Hill never gives us a succinct formula to acquiring wealth, although he hints that it exists. However, the title of the book is 'Think and Grow Rich,' not 'Get Rich Quick': Hill insists that we take a very detailed personal inventory, and grow spiritually, in order to draw wealth our way. This involves a developing a high level of self-discipline and obeying the Delphic injunction to 'Know Thyself'. He also incorporates a lot of good, practical business advice: find new opportunities created by technological innovations, make a written plan and keep to it, don't be afraid to fail repeatedly. The secret is here, it is just simply the sum of parts rather than an explicit roadmap.
Towards the end of the book he steps off a precipice and ventures into some very esoteric territory. He discusses harnessing Kundalini energy, manifesting psychic powers such as telepathy, tapping into higher consciousness, and getting in touch with the great minds of history, although, again, he is not too specific about how to accomplish these feats.
Think and Grow Rich is one of those books which makes a lasting impression. No matter what you may think of Hill's philosophy and his folksy writing style, you are bound to come away from this book feeling energized, more optimistic about life, and (possibly) a bit richer for the experience. --J. B. Hare, 7/20/2006
Only $4.99
Retail Price: $29.95,You Save: $24.96 (83%)

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TC | GET ORGANIZED -Quickly & Easily Organize Your Life So You Can Get More Done and Have More Focus...

Is your life full of clutter?

"Discover How To Quickly & Easily Organize Your Life So You Can Get More Done and Have More Focus..."


'Get Organized'

What's Inside This Guide

How to Keep Your Desk Neat

How To Make Sure That Bathroom is in Order

How to Keep Your Storage Room From Being Cluttered

How to Make Your Kitchen Chef-Worthy

How to Ensure Any Event Runs Smoothly

Get Instant Access To This
Special Guide for just $7.00!

Why is it so cheap? Well, because there are no expenses on our part to produce this guide. There's no printing or shipping costs. I know that you want to get this information quickly, so this guide is downloadable to your computer and you can view it anytime you wish.

Just Imagine...

Getting more done so you can move your life forward.

Having 100% clarity and focus because you'll eliminate all the clutter in your life.

Having a cleaner, more organized place to come home to.

Get Instant Access Now

Yes! Give me access to this guide right now!

I understand I'll get:

* The 'Get Organized' E-book
* Downloadable to my computer

So grab this guide right now and stop getting frustrating...

Regular Price: $19.95
Today Only: $7.00

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TC | Powerful Ways to Sharpen your Memory

TC | Powerful Ways to Sharpen your Memory

Fact: Memory is like a muscle - the more it is used, the better it gets; and the more it is neglected, the worse it gets.
"How to Easily Remember Names, Faces, Numbers, Events, and Almost Any Information - Using Simple yet Powerful Techniques Even a 12-Year Old Can Apply!"
Dear friend,
Let me ask you a few questions.

Do you find it difficult to recognize someone you've been acquainted with earlier?

Do you always have to look for your friend's phone number in your address book before dialing his number?

Have you ever experienced forgetting the next few lines to utter in an important speech?

Do you have a hard time passing the exams because you just can't seem to recall the lessons you've studied?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then your memory needs some work. Some might say, "So I have a bad memory. No big deal."
What some might not know is that unless affected by injury or illness…
"No One is Born with a Bad Memory. It Just Needs to Be Sharpened to Improve Its Efficiency"
Contrary to the belief of many people that sharpening your memory takes a lot of time and effort, you don't have to be a genius to quickly know, understand, and recall what you have read or learned.
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you have a sharp memory? You can achieve the following:
Get higher grades by studying more efficiently.
Build good relationships by recalling people's names, faces, and interests..
Enhance your career by recalling facts and numbers effortlessly
Never get lost on the road again.
Save lots of time by never having to find lost objects.
Impress your friends with your super memory and be the life of the party.
It doesn't matter whether you're 92 years old or just 12, anyone is capable of memorizing and recalling virtually any information possible. However, you must have the proper lifestyle, attitude, habits, and methods to possess a super memory.
Fortunately, an interesting book was written to achieve that purpose.
Powerful Ways to Sharpen Your Memory will teach you practical and creative strategies to refine and sharpen your wonderful memory.
It will reveal to you effective techniques on how to maintain your brain in tip-top condition, how to overcome forgetfulness, and how to easily retain data in your mind for immediate retrieval anytime you desire.
Best of all, many of the methods are simple, practical, and fun to learn!
If you want your mind to memorize numbers, facts, and other information like nothing you've ever seen before, then this book is for you.
Take a look at some of the information you'll find inside:
Why being smart is not necessary to have a good memory.
Foods that allow your brain to operate at its peak performance.
What you should do to improve creativity.
The 3 types of memory.
What a group of researchers did to improve the memory of elderly people suffering from dementia.
2 requirements before going to sleep in order to remember information better.
Helpful techniques in mood conditioning to boost your mental capacities.
The first thing you should do before memorizing anything.
Common causes of a poor memory.
Successful strategies to maintain your focus.
How to keep track of all your thoughts.
Terrific tips to intensify your motivation.
How your subconscious helps you to remember.
Popular techniques of association.
Valuable methods to enhance your imagination.
Similarities between the mind and a video camera.
7 powerful tactics to overcome forgetfulness and absentmindedness.
How to utilize your senses to boost your memory.
Why you can better remember a person who owes you some money compared to someone who doesn't.
11 extraordinary strategies to help you remember names and faces.
How to convert numbers to words.
How to transform numbers to pictures.
Super techniques to remember long strings of numbers.
How to recall an item from a chronological list.
How to easily remember dates, time, and TV channels.
How to develop a keen sense of direction.
How to recall addresses and places with ease.
Special tactics to remember occurrences and events.
How to organize your memory for easy retrieval of information.
7 principles of memory.
How to remember facts better.
What the most difficult things to remember are.
What things we are most likely to remember.
How much the capacity of the human mind is in holding information.
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Sepuluh Masjid Islam Terbesar di Dunia

Al Haram Mosque
1.Masjid Al-Haram
Masjid Al-Haram juga dikenal Sharief di Mekkah, Arab Saudi, adalah, kota suci terbesar, masjid terbesar dan paling populer di dunia dan tujuan utama dari haji. Kompleks masjid meliputi area seluas 356.800 meter persegi dan dapat menampung hingga 820.000 jamaah selama haji. Masjid al-Haram ("Masjid Suci") adalah satu-satunya masjid yang tidak memiliki arah kiblat, karena orang Islam berdoa menghadap Ka'bah di halaman tengah.
Mosque Al Nabawi
2.Masjid Al-Nabawi, di Madinah adalah masjid paling suci dan terbesar kedua dalam Islam. Ini adalah tempat peristirahatan terakhir Muhammad (saw). Masjid aslinya dibangun oleh Nabi Muhammad (saw) sendiri. Penguasa Islam selanjutnya sangat diperluas dan menghiasnya. Fitur yang paling penting dari situs ini adalah kubah hijau di tengah masjid, mana makam Muhammad (SAW) berada. Dibangun pada tahun 1817 dan dicat hijau pada tahun 1839, ini dikenal sebagai Kubah Nabi. Para pemimpin Muslim awal Abu Bakar dan Umar (Umar bin al-Khaththab) yang dimakamkan di daerah yang berdekatan di dalam masjid.
Al Masjid Al Aqsa 3.Masjid Al-Aqsa, umumnya mengacu pada jemaat masjid yang terletak di selatan Yerusalem. Membangun jemaat Masjid bisa menampung sekitar 5.000 orang menyembah di dalamnya, sementara Al-Aqsa seluruh wilayah Masjid senyawa dapat menampung ratusan ribu. Selama masa peningkatan keamanan hanya Muslim dari usia tertentu yang diijinkan untuk mengakses masjid. Ini adalah masjid ketiga terbesar Islam atau terbesar.
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin 4.Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin adalah sebuah masjid yang terletak kerajaan Islam di Bandar Seri Begawan, ibukota Kesultanan Brunei. Masjid ini diklasifikasikan sebagai salah satu masjid paling spektakuler dan paling indah di Asia Pasifik dan daya tarik wisata utama. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque dianggap kalangan masyarakat Brunei sebagai tengara utama negara itu.
The Zahir Mosque 5.Masjid Zahir terletak di jantung kota Alor Star, ibukota negara bagian Kedah, Malaysia. Masjid tersebut dibangun pada tahun 1912, dengan upaya iuran dari Tunku Mahmud. Upacara pembukaan resmi diadakan pada Jumat 15 Oktober, 1915 oleh Shah Sultan Abdul Hamid an HRH Halim. Masjid Zahir menempati area dengan luas sekitar 124.412 meter persegi. Ruang tengahnya ukuran 62 x 62 meter persegi. Ini adalah salah satu masjid paling indah di dunia.
Taj Ul Mosque 6.Masjid Taj-ul di Bhopal secara harfiah diterjemahkan sebagai "The Crown Masjid". Struktur yang paling mengesankan di Bhopal adalah Taj-ul-Masjid, salah satu masjid Muslim terbesar dan paling elegan di India. Namun, monumen itu tidak pernah selesai karena kekurangan uang  dan setelah lama pembangunannya terhenti, konstruksi dilanjutkan pada tahun 1971. Bangunan ini benar-benar menyajikan pemandangan spektakuler dan bernilai
Baiturrahman Mosque 7.Masjid Baiturrahman mewakili salah satu contoh pertama dari mesjid berkubah di Asia Tenggara. Mungkin yang lebih penting lagi, mesjid merupakan sebuah perwujudan arsitektur peran politik, Islam telah memainkan di Indonesia. Dibangun oleh Belanda pada tahun 1879 dan selesai pada 1881. Selanjutnya, penambahan dibuat untuk mesjid pada tahun 1957 itu dimaksudkan untuk link simbolis sebagian besar wilayah separatis Aceh untuk Republik Indonesia. Selama akhir 1980-an, masjid ini direnovasi.
Sultan Mosque 8.Masjid Sultan terletak di Muscat Street dekat North Bridge Road di distrik Kampong Glam Perencanaan Wilayah Rochor di Singapura. Masjid ini dianggap sebagai salah satu masjid yang paling penting di Singapura. Ruang doa dan kubah bintang menyorot fitur masjid. Masjid Sultan tidak berubah bentuk dasarnya sejak diperbaiki, dengan perbaikan hanya dilakukan untuk ruang utama pada tahun 1960 dan lampiran yang ditambahkan pada tahun 1993. Itu ditetapkan sebagai monumen nasional pada tanggal 14 Maret 1975.
The Shah Faisal Mosque 9.Masjid Shah Faisal di Islamabad, Pakistan, adalah salah satu mesjid terbesar di dunia. Ini adalah Masjid Nasional negara Ini adalah masjid yang paling populer di dunia Islam, dan terkenal untuk kedua ukuran dan arsitektur seluas 5.000 meter persegi dengan kapasitas 300.000 jamaah. Dorongan untuk masjid dimulai pada tahun 1966, dan selesai pada tahun 1986, dan digunakan untuk pusat International Islamic University.
Baitul Mukarram 10.Baitul Mukarram terletak di jantung Dhaka, ibukota Bangladesh. Masjid ini dibangun pada 1960-an. Kompleks masjid ini dirancang oleh arsitek T Abdul Hussain Thariani. Masjid Nasional Bangladesh memiliki beberapa fitur arsitektur modern, dan pada saat yang sama mempertahankan prinsip-prinsip tradisional arsitektur masjid. Baitul Mukarram kemiripan kepada Ka'bah yang terkenal di Mekah membuat sebuah masjid yang unik di Bangladesh.
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Lebaran 1432 H

Lebaran tahun ini rasanya tidak begitu semangat...saya sudah persiapkan segalanya pada hari senin untuk menyambut lebaran hari selasa tepatnya tanggal 30 Agustus 2011.Tapi ternyata pemerintah menyatakan bahwa lebaran atau 1 syawal jatuh tanggal 31 agustus 2011...saya yakin banyak orang yang merasakan kecewa seperti saya...mengapa kecewa...karena sebagian besar mungkin sudah menyiapakan masakan khas lebaran di hari senin tapi kenyataannya lebarannya hari rabu.Saya bertanya-tanya dalam hati kenapa orang Islam Indonesia mempunyai hari lebaran yang berbeda sih...saya jadi bingung mesti mengikuti yang mana..dan mana yang benar.Kalau di suruh mengikuti kata hati atau keyakinan...aneh juga rasanya.. masa harus begitu.Harusnya kita orang Islam bersatu untuk menentukan hari lebaran yang tepat agar semua umat islam bisa mengikutinya secara bersama-sama.Sungguh ironis jika kita harus mengatakan bahwa lebaran bisa di lakukan sesuai keyakinan kita masing-masing.Bikin hati saya bertanya-tanya kok bisa gitu.Apa ga salah...tidak heran jika di indonesia banyak bermunculan aliran-aliran baru...karena bebas memilih keyakinan dalam hatinya...tapi maaf saya tidak begitu pandai menguraikan kata-kata untuk memberikan alasan kenapa saya berkata begitu...tapi saya yakin pasti mengertilah apa yang saya maksud.
Alangkah Indahnya jika kita umat Islam bersatu dalam merayakan lebaran satu hari saja...

Marilah kita memperarat tali persaudaraan...dan mau bersatu tanpa harus memandang kamu aliran itu ataupun itu...Islam adalah satu dalam kesatuan...karena sudah ada pedomannya.Yaitu AL-Quran..dan petunjuk dan nasehat yang di wariskan Nabi kita Muhammad SAW.Wassalam
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